为促进中国以及全球资本市场与金融创新发展研究,ok138cn太阳集团与浙江大学管理学院将联合国际知名SSCI期刊International Review of Economics and Finance与North American Journal of Economics and Finance,共同举办首届2021年金融科技、创新与发展学术年会(Conference on FinTech, Innovation and Development, CFID)。会议将于8月28日在上海举行,以线上和线下结合的方式举办。CFID 为中国以及全球金融科技、创新创业方向的学者和实务从业者,深入交流分享最前沿的研究成果与业界应用提供了高质量的交流平台。优秀论文将有机会受邀发表在合作期刊。
Professor Hamid Beladi, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Professor Carl R. Chen, University of Dayton, USA
张健教授, ok138cn太阳集团
郭丰教授, 浙江树人大学
经过专家委员会评选的优秀英文论文将受邀推荐投稿至SSCI期刊International Review of Economics and Finance以及North American Journal of Economics and Finance。投稿至上述期刊的论文仍将接受标准的审稿流程。
本届会议的注册费为人民币600元,学生参会者注册费为人民币300元。报告论文的作者请于 2021年8月10日前完成注册(注册信息后续另行发布)。
重要日期 | |
投稿截止 | 2021年7月7日 |
论文接受通知 | 2021年7月24日 |
会议注册截止 | 2021年8月10日 |
会议日期 | 2021年8月28日 |
Call for Papers
2021 (1st) Conference on FinTech, Innovation and Development
The Conference Theme:
Innovation of FinTech and Entrepreneurial Finance
August 28, 2021
Shanghai, China
School of Business and Management, Shanghai International Studies University and School of Management, Zhejiang University, in conjunction with International Review of Economics and Finance & North American Journal of Economics and Finance, will jointly host the first annual Conference on FinTech, Innovation and Development (CFID). This conference will be held on August 28, 2021 in Shanghai, China, with both on-site and online sessions, which provides a high-quality platform for scholars and practitioners worldwide in the areas of FinTech, Innovation and Entrepreneurship to share their in-depth research and best practices.
The conference aims to promote research broadly related to financial management and capital markets in China and around the world. The theme of the conference this year is Innovation of FinTech and Entrepreneurial Finance. FinTech and Entrepreneurship have been considered as major engines for economic development, for promoting innovation and economic growth. As the entrepreneurial finance market has evolved, new structures and configurations have emerged. The conference will focus on how finance, entrepreneurship, innovation and their interactions contribute to economic development.
The conference organizers would like to invite the submission of both theoretical and empirical papers on the following topics, including but not limited to:
Finance and AI
Finance and big data
Fintech innovation
Institutional aspects of finance, entrepreneurship and innovation
Financial market development and entrepreneurship
Business angel, Venture capital, Private equity
Capital structure of start-ups
Corporate finance and corporate entrepreneurship
Exit strategies of investors, Going public
Credit availability and lending to entrepreneurial firms
Due diligence in entrepreneurial firms
Cross-cultural differences in entrepreneurial finance
Entrepreneurial finance in emerging economies
Conference Co-chairs:
Professor Ying Sophie Huang, Zhejiang University, China
Professor Xiaolan Yang, Shanghai International Studies University, China
Committee Members:
Professor Hamid Beladi, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Professor Carl R. Chen, University of Dayton, USA
Professor Feng Guo, Zhejiang Shuren University, China
Professor Jian Zhang, Shanghai International Studies University, China
Conference Submission:
Both completed papers and early drafts with innovative ideas are encouraged. Please submit two pdf files (with and without author information) to the following email address: cfid_sisu_zju@163.com prior to July 7, 2021.
Selected papers will be invited to submit to the “Sponsoring Journals” of the conference (International Review of Economics and Finance & North American Journal of Economics and Finance). The standard review process of the journals will be followed.
Conference Registration:
The registration fee for the conference is RMB600 (onsite participation). Students’ registration fee is RMB300(onsite participation).
Presenting authors should register for the conference before August 10, 2021. The relevant information will be announced later.
Important Dates | |
Deadline for Conference Submission | July 7, 2021 |
Notification of Conference Acceptance | July 24, 2021 |
Deadline for Conference Registration | August 10, 2021 |
Conference Date | August 28, 2021 |