Richard Ebstein:Decision-making quality drives natural selection through plasticity to epigenetics: Why We Need AI to Enhance Human Intelligence



时间: 2024314日(周四)14:00

讲座地点: 松江校区221号会议室

主 讲 人:Richard Ebstein 西南财经大学中国行为经济与金融中心 教授

主 持 人:沈强 教授


 Robert Aumann's theory integrates neural adaptation principles into organizational development, highlighting synergy between experiential learning, emotions, adaptability, and the evolution of decision-making. It underscores predictive plasticity and neural Darwinism, drawing from Edelman's Theory of Neuronal Group Selection (TNGS), which posits that neural groups within the brain evolve via natural selection, fostering cognitive diversity and consciousness. This approach emphasizes intra-brain dynamics and the "use and disuse" principle, illustrating how neural pathways and connections evolve with experience and emotions, showcasing the brain's adaptive capability. This adaptiveness is crucial for businesses aiming to enhance innovation and resilience by capitalizing on both individual and collective experiential learning. The concept of predictive plasticity highlights the brain's foresight in adapting to future demands, improving cognitive and decision-making skills through internal evolution. The lecture also explores how non-heritable neural mechanisms influence responses to uncertainty, suggesting that a business culture mirroring brain adaptability can boost organizational agility and market competitiveness. It advocates for understanding the neural underpinnings of decision-making to effectively navigate organizational and market complexities.


 Richard Ebstein教授现为西南财经大学中国行为经济与金融中心教授,在行为遗传学领域在国际上享有盛誉,博士毕业于美国常青藤盟校耶鲁大学。先后执教于美国纽约大学、以色列希伯来大学、新加坡国立大学等世界著名学府。曾担任以色列赫尔佐格医院(Herzog Hospital)的研究部主任和临床实验室主任,新加坡国立大学行为经济学及生物经济学与社会科学研究实验室联合主任。在NatureNature GeneticsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaNeuronBiological PsychiatryMolecular Psychiatry, Proceedings of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences等学术期刊上发表学术论文400余篇,截止20243月,总论文被引37650余次,Google Scholar H指数为105



